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Anchor 11


To create a replica costume of the character GROOT from the Marvel film "Guardians of the Galaxy" to showcase at New York Comic con







Lead design, fabrication & application, actor



Lead paint application

Using insulation foam, I sketched a template of Groot's head to begin carving. Before carving, I also needed to a make tape mannequin of myself to build the costume around. Using a Dremel, I began sculpting the face and head.

I really wanted to try and capture Groot's nature in the face sculpt, so I gave him a friendly expression. Once the head sculpt was finished, I moved onto laying insulation foam around the mannequin to begin simulating his root-body. 

Once I finished glueing down all the foam, I began creating the wood texture using tissue and glue. My good friend Rey Sambo applied the majority of the paint using a combination of airbrush and spraypaint. Later, I applied concealer makeup and moss to complete the makeup.

After about 9 days, the costume was finally complete! Now all I had to do, was wear it at New York Comic Con. Nothing could prepare me for what came next!

BUSINESS INSIDER - " The Groot cosplay, however, made us smile the most." 

"Daniel Ramos, who works in toy licensing, spent nine days constructing this incredibly life-like costume. He wore Under Armour long johns underneath layers of intertwined pipes and plaques of EVA foam, the vinyl material used in yoga mats. It was soft, flexible, and most importantly, light.


Everywhere he turned, a new swarm of Con attendees approached and asked to take pictures with him — to which he always replied, "I am Groot." - Melia Robinson/BI "




"Hordes of fanboys and fangirls have descended upon the Javitz Center disguised as their favorite superheroes, villains, anime characters, video game avatars, zombies, cartoons and talking trees (Yay, Groot!) " - MADELINE ROTH/MTV "



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